Biblia: das ist: die gantze Heilige Schrifft: Deudsch Auffs New zugericht. D. Mart. Luth.

Landesbibliothek Coburg


In 1541 appeared a revised version ("auffs new zugericht") of the entire Luther Bible. The Landesbibliothek (Regional Library) Coburg owns three exemplars that vary mostly as far as their colouring is concerned. This exemplar with the signature P I 1/10 belongs to the holdings of the Herzogliche Hof- und Staatsbibliothek (Ducal Court and State Library). Because of its format, the Luther Bible of 1541 is called "Median-Bibel"; because of the spiritual and probably financial support by Elector Johann Friedrich I sometimes also "Johann-Friedrich-Bible". Next to the printing privilege of 1534, it is headed by a sharp settlement of accounts in the guise of a "warning" by Martin Luther with the non-authorised reprints that were getting out of hand. For this edition four different title pages were known. The main title page of this exemplar shows the fourteen coats of arms of the electors of Saxony. The most important one with the electoral swords is displayed top of the centre; to the left is the Saxon ducal coat of arms with the crancelin. On the back is the bust of Johann Friedrich with all the attributes of electoral power. It is signed with Cranach's trademark, the winged serpent (to the left of the collar). While the first complete edition of the Luther Bible was still conceived in six parts, the 1541 Median Bible consists only of two parts. Datum: 2016


Landesbibliothek Coburg, Dr. Silvia Pfister

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