Proklamation der Bayerischen Republik und der Absetzung der Wittelsbacher, 8. November 1918

Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv


On the morning of 8 November 1918, Munich's population learned on red posters about the Bavarian Revolution which had taken place the day before in the capital and residential city. Thus, the revolutionaries around Kurt Eisner (1867-1919) had created facts and had also overtaken the reforming efforts of the king, of the government, of the parties of the state parliament and, above all, of the Social Democrats who were then in the majority. During the night of 8 November 1918, Kurt Eisner drew up a proclamation in the Bavarian Parliament which appeared the following day in the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten and was posted in abridged form all over Munich. In it, the Bavarian Republic, the "Free State of Bavaria", was proclaimed and the Bavarian kingdom declared abolished. Until the democratic election of a people's representative assembly, a provisionally appointed council of workers, peasants and soldiers was supposed to act as the supreme authority.


Dr. Markus Schmalzl

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